Friday Featured Member!

Happy Friday everyone! Each week we’ll be putting the spotlight on one of our own so you can get to know our team! Today’s featured member is: Tracy!


**When did you join SIM and how many years have you been on team?

-This is my second year.

**What has been your favorite SIM routine to perform? Which is your favorite routine to watch?

-My favorite SIM routine to dance so far is the Michael Jackson Club Medley. So far, my favorite SIM routine to watch is the Harry Potter routine.


**Tell us about when you first started dancing.

-I didn’t really start to dance until I became a member on SIM – other than taking classes here and there.


**What is a fun fact we don’t know about you?

-I’ve been running in the “Run To Feed The Hungry” with my family for the last 10 years. You may have seen us on TV being interviewed by the news stations. I’ve completed 3 half marathons and a Spartan Race!


**What is your favorite dance and why?

-My favorite dance is Salsa for many reasons but mostly because it’s a fun dance.


**What is your most favorite thing about being on SIM?

-Other than being on a supportive team, it’s the friendships that I have made.


**What has been a challenge for you as a dancer?

-Allowing myself to be a beginner. I want to be at an advanced level already. I have to remind myself everyone has to start somewhere and it’s ok to be a beginner.


**How has being on SIM changed your dancing?

-Being on SIM has given me a new perspective on dancing. You are dancing as one in a team and you have to be on ‘time’ with your ‘hits’ and ‘roll-offs’ to make the team look good in the performance.


**What is the most important thing you’ve learned as a dancer?

-Get out there and social dance and practice!